AMG Warsaw = up to date with finances

Human resources and payroll is a department of your company that can often cause many problems. It is particularly complicated when it comes to companies with a large number of employees. Fortunately, you are not left to your own devices. Our accounting office in Warsaw will take care of your company's HR and payroll in the most professional manner possible.

Why use HR and payroll assistance?

Running an HR and payroll department often requires specialised knowledge. Not every business owner is required to have such knowledge. Running a business is an extremely time-consuming activity and it is difficult to require every business owner to deal with everything personally. That is why it is advisable to seek professional help, especially when it comes to these more specialised issues, and that is exactly what human resources and payroll are.

By placing the handling of this department in the hands of specialists, you can be sure that everything from A to Z will be carried out in a professional manner and that no mistakes will be made, which could result in unpleasant inspection visits from the relevant authorities. In addition, all matters concerning your employees will be extremely tidy, which will have a positive effect on their image in your eyes as company owners.

What can our accountancy office provide you with?

If you decide to use the services of professionals, you have two options to choose from. The first is to hire a large number of specialised staff to take care of your HR and payroll matters. This solution, however, carries quite a significant cost and unnecessarily increases the number of employees in your company.

The second option is to entrust this department to a professional accountancy firm. Above all, this is a much more financially advantageous solution for you. You will be able to reduce costs and save time, and you will be assured of a secure and high quality service. Our accountancy office also guarantees you complete punctuality. We will take care of the entire basic range of HR and payroll services without any problems, so you won't have to waste time looking for another specialist.

We guarantee your complete satisfaction with the services we provide. Thanks to us, human resources and payroll in your company will never again pose the slightest problem, and all related matters will be handled with the highest quality of service.

Basic HR and payroll services

  • calculating salaries in accordance with the applicable legislation
  • preparation and submission of accounts and declarations to the Tax Office, ZUS and PFRON (National Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons)
  • keeping payroll records for employees
  • preparation of payroll transfers
  • issuing income certificates for employees
  • preparation of annual accounts of employees (PIT-11)
  • permanent cooperation with health and safety inspectors

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the detailed offer, please contact us. Our specialists will help you choose the solutions best suited to your needs.

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