The accountancy profession can rescue companies from many a financial quagmire. Who is it? Well, the accountant acts as the gatekeeper of finances - he or she is responsible for monitoring the finances, managing the finances and also maintaining the economic history of the company. And that's not all! Here are the most important duties of an accountant. Here are the most important duties of an accountant:
The accountant keeps the accounts
Accountant is responsible for keeping accurate and compliant accounts. Its task is to record and classify all financial transactions, including receipts, expenditure, income and expenses. The position takes into account the care taken to keep financial records in order to allow transparency in the analysis of financial data over the years.
Preparation of financial reports by the accountant
Another task of the accountant is to prepare the various financial reports that are necessary at any given time to assess the company's financial situation. Examples of reports include the balance sheet, income statement and tax statements. These documents are not only important for the company's management and owners. Financial institutions, regulators and investors in certain situations may also require them.
Calculation of taxes, a the accounting profession
Accounting for taxes is undoubtedly one of the most important tasks of an accountant. He or she must be familiar with the applicable tax laws in order to calculate and settle taxes correctly. These include contributions such as corporate income tax and VAT. Every tax compiler must remember to submit tax returns on time and strictly adhere to the applicable deadlines.
The accountant oversees the finances
The accountant plays an important role in overseeing the day-to-day financial operations of the organisation. It monitors cash flow, analyses financial trends and works with other company departments to optimise financial processes. Ensures that the company operates in accordance with applicable regulations and accounting standards.
The work of an accountant is crucial to maintaining a company's financial health. If you need professional accounting services, find out more about our company's offer. We offer external and comprehensive accounting services such as bookkeeping, financial reporting and tax settlement. Benefit from our experience! AMG Accounting Office will allow you to focus on business development, while your company's financial issues will be properly managed.