Accounting office - depreciation

For tax purposes, the definition of goodwill is included in Article 16g of the Corporate Income Tax Act (hereinafter: 'the CIT Act') . Pursuant to paragraph 2 of this article, the notion of goodwill means the positive difference between the purchase price of an enterprise or its organised part, determined in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 5, or the nominal value of shares issued in exchange for a contribution in kind, and the market value of the assets constituting the purchased enterprise or its organised part, or its organised part, as at the date of the purchase, acceptance for use against payment or contribution to the company, respectively.
Goodwill is not only such features of a business in the form of disposed assets (e.g. a recognisable brand, an efficient organisational structure or a strong market position). The CIT Act recognises goodwill as one of the forms of intangible assets, which are also subject to amortisation. Entitlement to depreciation such a form of intangible asset is therefore available to taxpayers regardless of the projected useful life.

Accounting for depreciation

The AMG accounting office also specialises in company depreciation accounting. Our specialists are well acquainted with the current regulations, possibilities and limitations, including those relating to goodwill depreciation. Depreciation is an essential safeguard for every company, but it must be carried out reliably and professionally. This is exactly what our accountancy office helps entrepreneurs to do. Current tax law is quite complex and often requires many years of experience and excellent knowledge of regulations. This not only prevents the taxpayer from making mistakes, but also from finding appropriate solutions in difficult situations. Therefore, it is worth entrusting accounting matters to professionals who will reliably and professionally maintain the company's accounting records and find solutions to problems. Our accounting office in Warsaw not only specialises in professional and reliable bookkeeping, ensuring that orders are delivered on time, but also advises on how to reduce the costs of running a company. This is extremely important information for every entrepreneur. If you have any questions about depreciation as well, or would like a detailed offer tailored to your needs and expectations, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Our specialists will provide you with the best solution for your company, regardless of the industry in which it operates.

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